ACTL3142 & ACTL5110 Statistical Machine Learning for Risk Applications
Decision trees
Bagging, random forests, boosting
Lecture Outline
Decision Trees
Growing a Tree
National Flood Insurance Program Demo
Pruning a Tree
Bootstrap Aggregation
Random Forests
rail_cost <- function(peak_hours, distance) {
if (peak_hours) {
if (distance <= 10) {
cost <- 3.79
} else if (distance <= 20) {
cost <- 4.71
} else if (distance <= 35) {
cost <- 5.42
} else if (distance <= 65) {
cost <- 7.24
} else {
cost <- 9.31
} else {
if (distance <= 10) {
cost <- 2.65
} else if (distance <= 20) {
cost <- 3.29
} else if (distance <= 35) {
cost <- 3.79
} else if (distance <= 65) {
cost <- 5.06
} else {
cost <- 6.51
def rail_cost(peak_hours, distance):
if peak_hours:
if distance <= 10:
cost = 3.79
elif distance <= 20:
cost = 4.71
elif distance <= 35:
cost = 5.42
elif distance <= 65:
cost = 7.24
cost = 9.31
if distance <= 10:
cost = 2.65
elif distance <= 20:
cost = 3.29
elif distance <= 35:
cost = 3.79
elif distance <= 65:
cost = 5.06
cost = 6.51
return cost
dataset Unnamed: 0 AtBat Hits HmRun ... Assists Errors Salary NewLeague
0 -Alan Ashby 315 81 7 ... 43 10 475.0 N
1 -Alvin Davis 479 130 18 ... 82 14 480.0 A
2 -Andre Dawson 496 141 20 ... 11 3 500.0 N
3 -Andres Galarraga 321 87 10 ... 40 4 91.5 N
4 -Alfredo Griffin 594 169 4 ... 421 25 750.0 A
.. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
258 -Willie McGee 497 127 7 ... 9 3 700.0 N
259 -Willie Randolph 492 136 5 ... 381 20 875.0 A
260 -Wayne Tolleson 475 126 3 ... 113 7 385.0 A
261 -Willie Upshaw 573 144 9 ... 131 12 960.0 A
262 -Willie Wilson 631 170 9 ... 4 3 1000.0 A
[263 rows x 21 columns]
n= 263
node), split, n, deviance, yval
* denotes terminal node
1) root 263 207.153700 5.927222
2) Years< 4.5 90 42.353170 5.106790
4) Years< 3.5 62 23.008670 4.891812
8) Hits< 114 43 17.145680 4.727386 *
9) Hits>=114 19 2.069451 5.263932 *
5) Years>=3.5 28 10.134390 5.582812 *
3) Years>=4.5 173 72.705310 6.354036
6) Hits< 117.5 90 28.093710 5.998380
12) Years< 6.5 26 7.237690 5.688925 *
13) Years>=6.5 64 17.354710 6.124096
26) Hits< 50.5 12 2.689439 5.730017 *
27) Hits>=50.5 52 12.371640 6.215037 *
7) Hits>=117.5 83 20.883070 6.739687 *
X = hitters[['Years', 'Hits']]
y = np.log(hitters['Salary'])
tree = DecisionTreeRegressor(min_samples_split=20, min_samples_leaf=10, max_depth=3, ccp_alpha=0.01), y);
print(export_text(tree, feature_names=['Years', 'Hits']))
|--- Years <= 4.50
| |--- Years <= 3.50
| | |--- Hits <= 114.00
| | | |--- value: [4.73]
| | |--- Hits > 114.00
| | | |--- value: [5.26]
| |--- Years > 3.50
| | |--- value: [5.58]
|--- Years > 4.50
| |--- Hits <= 117.50
| | |--- Years <= 6.50
| | | |--- value: [5.69]
| | |--- Years > 6.50
| | | |--- value: [6.12]
| |--- Hits > 117.50
| | |--- value: [6.74]
Source: These plots are recreating ISLR2’s Figure 8.4.
Source: A recreation of ISLR2’s Figure 8.1.
ggplot(Hitters, aes(x = Years, y = Hits, colour = log(Salary))) +
geom_point() +
geom_vline(xintercept = 4.5, colour = "black", linetype = "dashed") +
annotate("segment", x = 4.5, xend = 24, y = 117.5, yend = 117.5, colour = "black", linetype = "dashed") +
annotate("text", x = 2, y = 200, label = "R[1]", parse = TRUE, size = 10) +
annotate("text", x = 20, y = 50, label = "R[2]", parse = TRUE, size = 10) +
annotate("text", x = 20, y = 200, label = "R[3]", parse = TRUE, size = 10) +
theme(text = element_text(size = 20))
Source: A recreation of ISLR2’s Figure 8.2.
A decision tree is made by:
Region | Predicted salaries |
R_1 = \{X | \mathtt{Years} < 4.5 \} | \$1,000 \times \mathrm{e}^{5.107} = \$165,174 |
R_2 = \{X | \mathtt{Years} \geq 4.5, \mathtt{Hits} < 117.5 \} | \$1,000 \times \mathrm{e}^{5.999} = \$402,834 |
R_3 = \{X | \mathtt{Years} \geq 4.5, \mathtt{Hits} \geq 117.5 \} | \$1,000 \times \mathrm{e}^{6.740} = \$845,346 |
Decision trees are simple, popular, and easy to interpret.
They are not the most accurate method, but they can be great to understand the data.
They do form the basis for more accurate and complex methods like random forests and boosting.
Source: New York Times (2008), Decision Tree: The Obama-Clinton Divide.
A decision tree enforces binary splits…
graph TB A{Peak hour?} A-->|Yes| B[Peak Hour] A-->|No| C[Off-Peak Hour] B--> D{Distance?} D-->|0 - 10 km| E[$3.79] D-->|10 - 20 km| F[$4.71] D-->|20 - 35 km| G[$5.42] D-->|35 - 65 km| H[$7.24] D-->|65+ km| I[$9.31] C--> J{Distance?} J-->|0 - 10 km| K[$2.65] J-->|10 - 20 km| L[$3.29] J-->|20 - 35 km| M[$3.79] J-->|35 - 65 km| N[$5.06] J-->|65+ km| O[$6.51]
… but we can still represent non-binary splits in a binary tree.
graph TB A{Peak hour?} A-->|Yes| B[Peak Hour] A-->|No| J[Off-Peak Hour] B--> D1[0 - 10 km: $3.79] B--> D2[10 km +] D2--> F1[10 - 20 km: $4.71] D2--> G1[20 km +] G1--> H1[20 - 35 km: $5.42] G1--> I1[35 km +] I1--> I2[35 - 65 km: $7.24] I1--> I3[65 km +: $9.31] J--> K1[0 - 10 km: $2.65] J--> L1[10 km +] L1--> L2[10 - 20 km: $3.29] L1--> M1[20 km +] M1--> M2[20 - 35 km: $3.79] M1--> N1[35 km +] N1--> N2[35 - 65 km: $5.06] N1--> O[65 km +: $6.51]
Random Forests for Wildfire Insurance Applications: Mélina Mailhot, Concordia University
Homeowners’ insurance in wildfire-prone areas can be a very risky business that some insurers may not be willing to undertake. We create an actuarial spatial model for the likelihood of wildfire occurrence over a fine grid map of North America. Several models are used, such as generalized linear models and tree-based machine learning algorithms. A detailed analysis and comparison of the models show a best fit using random forests. Sensitivity tests help in assessing the effect of future changes in the covariates of the model. A downscaling exercise is performed, focusing on some high-risk states and provinces. The model provides the foundation for actuaries to price, reserve, and manage the financial risk from severe wildfires.
A Machine Learning Approach to Forecasting Italian Honey Production with Tree-Based Methods: Elia Smaniotto, University of Florence
The Italian apiculture sector, one of the largest honey producers in Europe, has suffered considerable damage in recent years. Adverse weather conditions, occurring more frequently as climate change progresses, can be high-impact and cause the environment to be unfavourable to the bees’ activity [1]. In this paper, we aim to study the effect of climatic and meteorological events on honey production. The database covers several hives, mainly located in northern Italy, and contains temperature, precipitations, geographical and meteorological measurements. We adopt random forest and gradient boosting algorithms, powerful and flexible tree-based methods to predict the honey production variation. Then, a feature importance analysis is performed to discover the main driver of honey production within the covered area. This study, which lies within the existing literature [2,3], seeks to establish the links between weather conditions and honey production, aiming to protect bees’ activity better and assess potential losses for beekeepers.
Improving Business Insurance Loss Models by Leveraging InsurTech Innovation, Emiliano Valdez, University of Connecticut
Recent transformative and disruptive developments in the insurance industry embrace various InsurTech innovations. In particular, with the rapid advances in data science and computational infrastructure, InsurTech is able to incorporate multiple emerging sources of data and reveal implications for value creation on business insurance by enhancing current insurance operations. In this paper, we unprecedentedly combine real-life proprietary insurance claims information and its InsurTech empowered risk factors describing insured businesses to create enhanced tree-based loss models. An empirical study in this paper shows that the supplemental data sources created by InsurTech innovation significantly help improve the underlying insurance company’s internal or inhouse pricing models. The results of our work demonstrate how InsurTech proliferates firm-level value creation and how it can affect insurance product development, pricing, underwriting, claim management, and administration practice.
On the Pricing of Capped Volatility Swaps using Machine Learning Techniques, Eva Verschueren, KU Leuven
A capped volatility swap is a forward contract on an asset’s capped, annualized realized volatility, over a predetermined period of time. The volatility swap allows investors to get a pure exposure to the volatility of the underlying asset, making the product an interesting instrument for both hedging and speculative purposes. In this presentation, we develop data-driven machine learning techniques in the context of pricing capped volatility swaps. To this purpose, we construct unique data sets comprising both the delivery price of contracts at initiation and the daily observed prices of running contracts. In order to predict future realized volatility, we explore distributional information on the underlying asset, specifically by extracting information from the forward implied volatilities and market-implied moments of the asset. The pricing performance of tree-based machine learning models and a Gaussian process regression model is presented in a tailored validation setting.
Integrated Design for Index Insurance, Jinggong Zhang, Nanyang Technological University
Weather index insurance (WII) is a promising tool for agricultural risk mitigation, but its popularity is often hindered by challenges of product design, such as basis risk, weather index selection and product complexity issues. In this paper we develop machine learning methodologies to design the statistically optimal WII to address those critical concerns in the literature and practice. The idea from tree-based models is exploited to simultaneously achieve weather variable selection and payout function determination, leading to effective basis risk reduction. The proposed framework is applied to an empirical study where high-dimensional weather variables are adopted to hedge soybean production losses in Iowa. Our numerical results show that the designed insurance policies are potentially viable with much lower government subsidy, and therefore can enhance social welfare.
Bayesian CART for insurance pricing, Yaojun Zhang, University of Leeds
An insurance portfolio offers protection against a specified type of risk to a collection of policyholders with various risk profiles. Insurance companies use risk factors to group policyholders with similar risk profiles in tariff classes. Premiums are set to be equal for policyholders within the same tariff class which should reflect the inherent riskiness of each class. Tree-based methods, like the classification and regression tree (CART), have gained popularity as they can in some cases give good performance and be easily interpretable. In this talk, we discuss a Bayesian approach applied to CART models. The idea is to have the prior induce a posterior distribution that will guide the stochastic search using MCMC towards more promising trees. We shall introduce different Bayesian CART models for the insurance claims data, which include the frequency-severity model and the (zero-inflated) compound Poisson model. Some simulation and real data examples will be discussed.
Machine Learning in Long-term Mortality Forecasting, Wenjun Zhu, Nanyang Technological University
We propose a new machine learning-based framework for long-term mortality forecasting. Based on ideas of neighbouring prediction, model ensembling, and tree boosting, this framework can significantly improve the prediction accuracy of long-term mortality. In addition, the proposed framework addresses the challenge of a shrinking pattern in long-term forecasting with information from neighbouring ages and cohorts. An extensive empirical analysis is conducted using various countries and regions in the Human Mortality Database. Results show that this framework reduces the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of the 20-year forecasting by almost 50% compared to classic stochastic mortality models, and it also outperforms deep learning-based benchmarks. Moreover, including mortality data from multiple populations can further enhance the long-term prediction performance of this framework.
Lecture Outline
Decision Trees
Growing a Tree
National Flood Insurance Program Demo
Pruning a Tree
Bootstrap Aggregation
Random Forests
Consider a splitting variable j and split point s R_1(j, s) = \{X | X_j \leq s\} \quad \text{and} \quad R_2(j, s) = \{X|X_j>s\}
Find the splitting variable j and split point s that solve \min_{j,\ s}\Big[ \min_{c_1} \sum_{x_i \in R_1(j,\ s)}(y_i-c_1)^2 + \min_{c_2} \sum_{x_i \in R_2(j,\ s)}(y_i-c_2)^2 \Big] where the inner mins are solved by \hat{c}_1 = \mathrm{Ave}(y_i | x_i \in R_1(j, s)) \quad \text{and} \quad \hat{c}_2 = \mathrm{Ave}(y_i | x_i \in R_2(j, s))
What would be the tree’s predicted value for y at x = 0?
Very similar to a regression tree, except:
Gini index, or
G = \sum_{k=1}^{K}\hat{p}_{mk}(1 - \hat{p}_{mk})
D = -\sum_{k=1}^{K}\hat{p}_{mk}\ln(\hat{p}_{mk})
where \hat{p}_{mk} = \frac{1}{| R_m | }\sum_{x_i \in R_m}I(y_i = k) \,.
So, should you use Gini impurity or entropy? The truth is, most of the time it does not make a big difference: they lead to similar trees. Gini impurity is slightly faster to compute, so it is a good default. However, when they differ, Gini impurity tends to isolate the most frequent class in its own branch of the tree, while entropy tends to produce slightly more balanced trees.
Footnote: See Sebastian Raschka’s interesting analysis for more details.
Source: Géron (2022), Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras & TensorFlow, 3rd Edition, O’Reilly Media, Chapter 6.
Lecture Outline
Decision Trees
Growing a Tree
National Flood Insurance Program Demo
Pruning a Tree
Bootstrap Aggregation
Random Forests
Available at OpenFEMA dataset.
See also Zhang and Xu (2023), Fairness of Ratemaking for Catastrophe Insurance: Lessons from Machine Learning, Information Systems Research.
Name | Title | Type | Description |
id | ID | text | Unique ID assigned to the record |
amountPaidOnBuildingClaim | Amount Paid on Building Claim | decimal | Dollar amount paid on the building claim. In some instances, a negative amount may appear. |
agricultureStructureIndicator | Agriculture Structure Indicator | boolean | Indicates whether a building is reported as being an agricultural structure in the policy application. |
policyCount | Policy Count | smallint | Insured units in an active status. A policy contract ceases to be in an active status as of the cancellation date or the expiration date. |
countyCode | County Code | text | FIPS code uniquely identifying the primary County (e.g., 011 represents Broward County) associated with the project. |
lossDate | Date of Loss | datetime | Date on which water first entered the insured building. |
elevatedBuildingIndicator | Elevated Building Indicator | boolean | Indicates whether a building meets the NFIP definition of an elevated building. |
latitude | Latitude | decimal | Approximate latitude of the insured building. |
locationOfContents | Location of Contents | smallint | Code that indicates the location of contents, (e.g., garage on property, in house). |
Name | Title | Type | Description |
longitude | Longitude | decimal | Approximate longitude of the insured building. |
lowestFloorElevation | Lowest Floor Elevation | decimal | A building’s lowest floor is the floor or level that is used as the point of reference when rating a building. |
numberOfFloors | Number of Floors | smallint | Code that indicates the number of floors in the insured building. |
occupancyType | Occupancy Type | smallint | Code indicating the use and occupancy type of the insured structure. |
originalConstructionDate | Original Construction Date | date | The original date of the construction of the building. |
originalNBDate | Original NB Date | date | The original date of the flood policy. |
postFIRMConstructionIndicator | Post-FIRM Construction Indicator | boolean | Indicates whether construction was started before or after publication of the FIRM. |
rateMethod | Rate Method | text | Indicates policy rating method. |
state | State | text | The two-character alpha abbreviation of the state in which the insured property is located. |
totalBuildingInsuranceCoverage | Total Building Insurance Coverage | integer | Total Insurance Amount in whole dollars on the Building. |
claims$lossYear <- year(claims$lossDate)
claims$lossMonth <- month(claims$lossDate)
claims$lossDate <- NULL
claims$originalConstructionYear <- year(claims$originalConstructionDate)
claims$originalConstructionMonth <- month(claims$originalConstructionDate)
claims$originalConstructionDate <- NULL
claims$originalNBYear <- year(claims$originalNBDate)
claims$originalNBMonth <- month(claims$originalNBDate)
claims$originalNBDate <- NULL
claims$state_full <-[match(claims$state,]
state_claims <- claims %>%
group_by(state_full) %>%
summarise(num_claims = n(),
max_claim_size = max(amountPaidOnBuildingClaim),
common = num_claims >= nrow(claims) / 100)
claims$state_full <- NULL
# Merge with the map data
states_map <- map_data("state")
state_claims$region <- tolower(state_claims$state_full)
states_map <- left_join(states_map, state_claims, by = "region")
ggplot(states_map, aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = num_claims)) +
geom_polygon(color = "white") +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "C") +
labs(title = "Number of Claims by State",
fill = "Number of Claims") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank())
# Plot maximum claim size by state
ggplot(states_map, aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = max_claim_size)) +
geom_polygon(color = "white") +
scale_fill_viridis_c(option = "C") +
labs(title = "Maximum Claim Size by State",
fill = "Max Claim Size") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank())
# Plot states where floods are common
ggplot(states_map, aes(long, lat, group = group, fill = common)) +
geom_polygon(color = "white") +
scale_fill_viridis_d() +
labs(title = "States where flood claims are frequent",
fill = "Number of Claims >= 1%") +
theme_minimal() +
theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.text = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank())
Source: Friedman, D. G. (1972), Insurance and the natural hazards. ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA, 7(1), 4-58.
Source: Friedman, D. G. (1972), Insurance and the natural hazards. ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA, 7(1), 4-58.
27 2019 410 139 1408 191 819 10 303 11833 1035 6 152
504 43 1605 662 241 1012 20785 885 696 115 402 368 1752
2753 53 5023 513 189 142 8520 48 81 5899 790 490 237
2363 569 238 2023 136 809 17759 10 11 2006 83 108 522
313 874 16
[1] 55
# States with fewer than 1% claims
rare_flood_states <- names(which(table(claims[["state"]]) < nrow(claims) / 100))
claims$state <- ifelse(claims$state %in% rare_flood_states, "Other", claims$state)
2019 1408 11833 1035 1605 1012 20785 1752 2753 5023 8520 5899 12205
2363 2023 17759 2006
[1] 17
Lecture Outline
Decision Trees
Growing a Tree
National Flood Insurance Program Demo
Pruning a Tree
Bootstrap Aggregation
Random Forests
The smallest tree is just a root node (no splits).
The upper limit is to grow until one observation in each region.
How large should we grow the tree?
# I have already shuffled this data
train_val_index <- 1:(0.8*nrow(claims))
train_val_set <- claims[train_val_index, ]
test_set <- claims[-train_val_index, ]
train_index <- 1:(0.75*nrow(train_val_set))
train_set <- train_val_set[train_index, ]
val_set <- train_val_set[-train_index, ]
# train_set$rateMethod <- factor(train_set$rateMethod)
train_set$state <- factor(train_set$state)
# val_set$rateMethod <- factor(val_set$rateMethod, levels = levels(train_set$rateMethod))
val_set$state <- factor(val_set$state, levels = levels(train_set$state))
# test_set$rateMethod <- factor(test_set$rateMethod, levels = levels(train_set$rateMethod))
test_set$state <- factor(test_set$state, levels = levels(train_set$state))
“In order to reduce the size of the tree and hence to prevent overfitting, these stopping criteria that are inherent to the recursive partitioning procedure are complemented with several rules. Three stopping rules that are commonly used can be formulated as follows:
- A node t is declared terminal when it contains less than a fixed number of observations.
- A node t is declared terminal if at least one of its children nodes t_L and t_R that results from the optimal split s_t contains less than a fixed number of observations.
- A node t is declared terminal when its depth is equal to a fixed maximal depth.”
Source: Denuit et al. (2020), Effective Statistical Learning Methods for Actuaries II: Tree-Based Methods and Extensions, Springer, p. 58.
“While the stopping rules presented above may give good results in practice, the strategy of stopping early the growing of the tree is in general unsatisfactory… That is why it is preferable to prune the tree instead of stopping the growing of the tree. Pruning a tree consists in fully developing the tree and then prune it upward until the optimal tree is found.”
Source: Denuit et al. (2020), Effective Statistical Learning Methods for Actuaries II: Tree-Based Methods and Extensions, Springer, p. 59.
Define a subtree T \subset T_0 to be any tree than can be obtained by pruning T_0 (a fully-grown tree)
Define the cost complexity criterion
\text{Total cost} = \text{Measure of Fit} + \text{Measure of Complexity}
C_\alpha(T) = \sum_{m=1}^{|T|} \sum_{i \in R_m} (y_i - \hat{y}_m)^2 + \alpha|T| where \hat{y}_m is the mean y_i in the mth leaf and \alpha controls the tradeoff between tree size and goodness of fit.
For each \alpha, we want to find the subtree T_\alpha \subseteq T_0 that minimises C_\alpha(T)
treeSource: James et al. (2021), An Introduction to Statistical Learning, Figure 8.4.
Source: James et al. (2021), An Introduction to Statistical Learning, Figure 8.5.
# Perform cross-validation to prune the tree
cv_tree <- train(
amountPaidOnBuildingClaim ~ .,
trControl=trainControl(method="cv", number=5),
tuneGrid=data.frame(cp=seq(0, 0.01, 0.001))
# Get the optimal cp value
optimal_cp <- cv_tree$bestTune$cp
lm(formula = amountPaidOnBuildingClaim ~ ., data = train_set)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-785390 -27448 -10894 11246 4787232
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -2.793e+06 6.662e+04 -41.928 < 2e-16 ***
agricultureStructureIndicator 1.662e+04 1.669e+04 0.996 0.319163
policyCount 1.463e+03 1.179e+02 12.407 < 2e-16 ***
countyCode 6.958e-02 3.986e-02 1.746 0.080900 .
elevatedBuildingIndicator -1.387e+04 6.202e+02 -22.358 < 2e-16 ***
latitude 3.955e+02 1.031e+02 3.835 0.000125 ***
locationOfContents 4.392e+02 1.412e+02 3.111 0.001864 **
longitude -1.455e+02 3.953e+01 -3.681 0.000232 ***
lowestFloorElevation -4.797e-02 5.281e-01 -0.091 0.927623
occupancyType 3.937e+03 1.681e+02 23.413 < 2e-16 ***
postFIRMConstructionIndicator 3.291e+03 7.311e+02 4.501 6.78e-06 ***
stateCA -8.250e+03 2.975e+03 -2.773 0.005548 **
stateFL -1.210e+04 1.873e+03 -6.459 1.07e-10 ***
stateGA -1.194e+04 2.955e+03 -4.040 5.36e-05 ***
stateIL -2.142e+04 2.859e+03 -7.494 6.80e-14 ***
stateKY -1.385e+04 3.145e+03 -4.405 1.06e-05 ***
stateLA 1.495e+04 1.944e+03 7.688 1.52e-14 ***
stateMO -1.212e+04 2.888e+03 -4.198 2.70e-05 ***
stateMS 2.054e+04 2.442e+03 8.410 < 2e-16 ***
stateNC -1.536e+04 2.588e+03 -5.935 2.95e-09 ***
stateNJ -9.051e+03 2.700e+03 -3.353 0.000801 ***
stateNY -4.034e+03 2.869e+03 -1.406 0.159733
stateOther -1.757e+04 2.507e+03 -7.006 2.48e-12 ***
statePA -1.705e+04 3.180e+03 -5.360 8.37e-08 ***
stateSC -1.064e+04 2.999e+03 -3.549 0.000387 ***
stateTX 4.916e+03 2.589e+03 1.898 0.057665 .
stateVA -2.123e+04 3.337e+03 -6.363 1.99e-10 ***
totalBuildingInsuranceCoverage -1.912e-03 6.089e-04 -3.140 0.001693 **
numberOfFloors -5.613e+01 3.050e+02 -0.184 0.854001
lossYear 1.400e+03 4.691e+01 29.845 < 2e-16 ***
lossMonth 2.253e+03 1.018e+02 22.130 < 2e-16 ***
originalConstructionYear 5.103e+00 2.298e+01 0.222 0.824242
originalConstructionMonth -8.065e+01 7.097e+01 -1.136 0.255851
originalNBYear -1.772e+01 4.758e+01 -0.372 0.709551
originalNBMonth 1.601e+01 7.470e+01 0.214 0.830288
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
Residual standard error: 57740 on 59965 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.1328, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1323
F-statistic: 270 on 34 and 59965 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Method | RMSE |
Linear Model | 5.4792406^{4} |
Large Tree | 4.8683476^{4} |
Pruned Tree | 4.7371652^{4} |
Lecture Outline
Decision Trees
Growing a Tree
National Flood Insurance Program Demo
Pruning a Tree
Bootstrap Aggregation
Random Forests
Is there a way to improve the predictive performance of trees?
Source: Geron (2022), Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 3rd ed., Figure 7-1.
Source: Geron (2022), Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 3rd ed., Figure 7-2.
Source: Geron (2022), Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 3rd ed., Figure 7-4.
Original dataset
There are 54% of the rows in the original dataset in the bootstrap resample.
Original dataset
There are 68% of the rows in the original dataset in the bootstrap resample.
Bagging procedure:
Let’s say element i,j of the matrix is 1 if the ith observation is in the jth bootstrap sample and 0 otherwise; i.e. it is “in the bag”.
Now consider the inverse, element i,j of the matrix is 1 if the ith observation is not in the jth bootstrap sample, it is “out of the bag”.
Can perform “out of bag evaluation” by using the out of bag samples as a test set. This is cheaper than cross-validation.
There is a very straightforward way to estimate the test error of a bagged model
Lecture Outline
Decision Trees
Growing a Tree
National Flood Insurance Program Demo
Pruning a Tree
Bootstrap Aggregation
Random Forests
Random forests decorrelates the bagged trees
Method | RMSE |
Linear Model | 5.4792406^{4} |
Large Tree | 4.8683476^{4} |
Pruned Tree | 4.7371652^{4} |
Random Forest | 4.2828885^{4} |
%IncMSE IncNodePurity
agricultureStructureIndicator -0.4092969 7.736630e+10
policyCount -0.6649637 1.312233e+13
countyCode 7.0676498 1.261540e+13
elevatedBuildingIndicator 1.9163476 4.066224e+12
latitude 12.7351805 1.257793e+13
locationOfContents 1.2897842 5.107086e+12
longitude 15.2725053 1.588849e+13
lowestFloorElevation 0.5264056 8.837304e+12
occupancyType -0.8955214 5.325440e+12
postFIRMConstructionIndicator 12.1436127 1.855385e+12
state 10.2933401 1.275269e+13
totalBuildingInsuranceCoverage 8.0324394 4.040641e+13
numberOfFloors 11.7156439 3.504747e+12
lossYear 8.2085826 2.277261e+13
lossMonth 17.4917355 1.009505e+13
originalConstructionYear 9.4747850 1.235049e+13
originalConstructionMonth 2.8065239 6.062158e+12
originalNBYear 6.7318799 1.468756e+13
originalNBMonth 1.5024842 1.277571e+13
Lecture Outline
Decision Trees
Growing a Tree
National Flood Insurance Program Demo
Pruning a Tree
Bootstrap Aggregation
Random Forests
Method | RMSE |
Linear Model | 5.4792406^{4} |
Gradient Boosting | 4.9819999^{4} |
Large Tree | 4.8683476^{4} |
Pruned Tree | 4.7371652^{4} |
Random Forest | 4.2828885^{4} |
Finally, evaluating the winning model on the test set:
if (val_rmse_gbm < val_rmse_rf) {
predictions <- predict(gbm_model, newdata = test_set, n.trees = best_iter)
test_rmse <- sqrt(mean(predictions - test_set$amountPaidOnBuildingClaim)^2)
} else {
predictions <- predict(rf_model, newdata = test_set)
test_rmse <- sqrt(mean(predictions - test_set$amountPaidOnBuildingClaim)^2)
[1] 965.1979
Test set error for the winning model is 965.1979057.
x_obs = np.linspace(-3, 3, 50)
y_obs = [5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 4, 1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 5, 3]
df = pd.DataFrame({'x': x_obs, 'y': y_obs})
# Parameters
d = 1 # number of splits
lambda_ = 0.5 # learning rate
# Higher resolution grid
x_obs = x_obs.reshape(-1, 1)
x_grid = np.linspace(-3, 3, 1000)
# Initial model
f_hat = np.zeros_like(df['y'], dtype=float)
residuals = df['y'].astype(float).copy()
# Store predictions for the grid
f_hat_grid = np.zeros_like(x_grid, dtype=float)
def plot_boosting_iteration(df, x_grid, f_hat, residuals, f_hat_grid, d, lambda_):
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(10, 4))
# Plot residuals
axes[0].scatter(df['x'], residuals, color='blue', label='Residuals')
axes[0].plot(x_grid, f_b_grid, color='green', label='New Tree')
axes[0].set_ylim(-1.25, 5.25)
# Plot updated model prediction
axes[1].plot(x_grid, f_hat_grid, color='purple')
axes[1].scatter(df['x'], df['y'], color='red', alpha=0.5)
axes[1].set_ylim(-1.25, 5.25)
axes[1].set_title(f"Updated Prediction")
# Plot new residuals
axes[2].scatter(df['x'], df['y'] - f_hat, color='blue', label='Residuals')
axes[2].set_ylim(-1.25, 5.25)
axes[2].set_title(f"New Residuals")
# Fit a tree to residuals
tree = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=d), residuals);
f_b = tree.predict(x_obs)
f_b_grid = tree.predict(x_grid.reshape(-1, 1))
# Update model
f_hat += lambda_ * f_b
f_hat_grid += lambda_ * f_b_grid
plot_boosting_iteration(df, x_grid, f_hat, residuals, f_hat_grid, d, lambda_)
# Update residuals
residuals -= lambda_ * f_b
Here, \lambda=\frac12 is the learning rate.
# Fit a tree to residuals
tree = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=d), residuals);
f_b = tree.predict(x_obs)
f_b_grid = tree.predict(x_grid.reshape(-1, 1))
# Update model
f_hat += lambda_ * f_b
f_hat_grid += lambda_ * f_b_grid
plot_boosting_iteration(df, x_grid, f_hat, residuals, f_hat_grid, d, lambda_)
# Update residuals
residuals -= lambda_ * f_b
Here, \lambda=\frac12 is the learning rate.
# Fit a tree to residuals
tree = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=d), residuals);
f_b = tree.predict(x_obs)
f_b_grid = tree.predict(x_grid.reshape(-1, 1))
# Update model
f_hat += lambda_ * f_b
f_hat_grid += lambda_ * f_b_grid
plot_boosting_iteration(df, x_grid, f_hat, residuals, f_hat_grid, d, lambda_)
# Update residuals
residuals -= lambda_ * f_b
Here, \lambda=\frac12 is the learning rate.
# Fit a tree to residuals
tree = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=d), residuals);
f_b = tree.predict(x_obs)
f_b_grid = tree.predict(x_grid.reshape(-1, 1))
# Update model
f_hat += lambda_ * f_b
f_hat_grid += lambda_ * f_b_grid
plot_boosting_iteration(df, x_grid, f_hat, residuals, f_hat_grid, d, lambda_)
# Update residuals
residuals -= lambda_ * f_b
Here, \lambda=\frac12 is the learning rate.
# Fit a tree to residuals
tree = DecisionTreeRegressor(max_depth=d), residuals);
f_b = tree.predict(x_obs)
f_b_grid = tree.predict(x_grid.reshape(-1, 1))
# Update model
f_hat += lambda_ * f_b
f_hat_grid += lambda_ * f_b_grid
plot_boosting_iteration(df, x_grid, f_hat, residuals, f_hat_grid, d, lambda_)
# Update residuals
residuals -= lambda_ * f_b
Here, \lambda=\frac12 is the learning rate.
Source: Aurélien Geron (2022), Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 3rd Edition, Figure 6-7