Lab 4: Logistic Regression


Conceptual Questions

  1. (ISLR2, Q4.6) \star Suppose we collect data for a group of students in a statistics class with variables X_1=hours studied, X_2= undergrad GPA, and Y= receive an A. We fit a logistic regression and produce estimated coefficient, \hat{\beta}_0 = -6, \hat{\beta}_1 = 0.05, \hat{\beta}_2 = 1.

    1. Estimate the probability that a student who studies for 40 h and has an undergrad GPA of 3.5 gets an A in the class.

    2. How many hours would the student in part (a) need to study to have a 50% chance of getting an A in the class?


  2. (ISLR2, Q4.7) Suppose that we wish to predict whether a given stock will issue a dividend this year (“Yes” or “No”) based on X, last year’s percent profit. We examine a large number of companies and discover that the mean value of X for companies that issued a dividend was \bar{X} = 10, while the mean for those that didn’t was \bar{X} = 0. In addition, the variance of X for these two sets of companies was \hat{\sigma}^2 = 36. Finally, 80% of companies issued dividends. Assuming that X follows a normal distribution, predict the probability that a company will issue a dividend this year given that its percentage profit was X = 4 last year.

    Hint: Recall that the density function for a normal random variable is f(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\sigma^2}} \mathrm{e}^{-(x-\mu)^2/2\sigma^2}. You will need to use Bayes’ theorem.


  3. (ISLR2, Q4.8) \star Suppose that we take a data set, divide it into equally-sized training and test sets, and then try out two different classification procedures. First we use logistic regression and get an error rate of 20% on the training data and 30% on the test data. Next we use 1-nearest neighbors (i.e. K = 1) and get an average error rate (averaged over both test and training data sets) of 18%. Based on these results, which method should we prefer to use for classification of new observations? Why?


  4. (Practice Quiz, Q4) \star Consider a classification problem in which two continuous inputs, x_1 and x_2, and a binary (0/1) target variable, y. There are 8 training cases, plotted in the following figure.

    Cases where y=1 (positive cases) are plotted as black dots and cases where y=0 (negative cases) as white dots, with the location of the dot giving the inputs, x_1 and x_2, for that training case. A logistic regression has been fitted to these data with estimated regression equation:

    \begin{align*} \log \left(\frac{\mathbb{P}(Y=1|x_1, x_2)}{1-\mathbb{P}(Y=1|x_1, x_2)} \right) = x_1 - x_2 . \end{align*}

    The corresponding classification decision boundary using a threshold of 0.5 probability is given by x_2=x_1 and is represented by the dashed line in the figure (i.e. an observation is assigned to class y=1 if \mathbb{P}(Y=1|x_1,x_2)>0.5).

    1. Fill in the confusion matrix below (A, B, C and D) and compute the error rate, the error rate given class 1 and the error rate given class 0.

      True y=0 True y=1 Total
      Fitted y=0 A B 4
      Fitted y=1 C D 4
      Total 4 4 8
    2. Draw a ROC curve for the logistic regression depicted in the above Figure.


Additional Questions

  1. Derive the score function that should be solved to find the MLE of a logistic regression with 1 predictor and two classes. Solution

  2. Assume a logistic regression with two classes, that is Y\in\{0,1\}. Using the results from the previous question, show that under MLE the expected number of class one matches the observed number of class ones. Solution

Applied Questions

  1. (ISLR2, Q4.13) \star This question should be answered using the Weekly data set, which is part of the ISLR2 package. This data is similar in nature to the Smarket data from this chapter’s lab, except that it contains 1,089 weekly returns for 21 years, from the beginning of 1990 to the end of 2010.

    1. Produce some numerical and graphical summaries of the Weekly data. Do there appear to be any patterns?

    2. Use the full data set to perform a logistic regression with Direction as the response and the five lag variables plus Volume as predictors. Use the summary function to print the results. Do any of the predictors appear to be statistically significant? If so, which ones?

    3. Compute the confusion matrix and overall fraction of correct predictions. Explain what the confusion matrix is telling you about the types of mistakes made by logistic regression.

    4. Now fit the logistic regression model using a training data period from 1990 to 2008, with Lag2 as the only predictor. Compute the confusion matrix and the overall fraction of correct predictions for the held out data (that is, the data from 2009 and 2010).

    5. Repeat (d) using KNN with K = 1.

    6. Which of these methods appears to provide the best results on this data?

    7. Experiment with different combinations of predictors, including possible transformations and interactions, for each of the methods. Report the variables, method, and associated confusion matrix that appears to provide the best results on the held out data. Note that you should also experiment with values for K in the KNN classifier.


  2. (ISLR2, Q4.14) \star In this problem, you will develop a model to predict whether a given car gets high or low gas mileage based on the Auto data set.

    1. Create a binary variable, mpg01, that contains a 1 if mpg contains a value above its median, and a 0 if mpg contains a value below its median. You can compute the median using the median() function. Note you may find it helpful to use the data.frame() function to create a single data set containing both mpg01 and the other Auto variables.

    2. Explore the data graphically in order to investigate the association between mpg01 and the other features. Which of the other features seem most likely to be useful in predicting mpg01? Scatterplots and boxplots may be useful tools to answer this question. Describe your findings.

    3. Split the data into a training set and a test set.

    4. Perform logistic regression on the training data in order to predict mpg01 using thevariables that seemed most associated with mpg01 in (b). What is the test error of the model obtained?

    5. Perform KNN on the training data, with several values of K, in order to predict mpg01. Use only the variables that seemed most associated with mpg01 in (b). What test errors do you obtain? Which value of K seems to perform the best on this data set?



Conceptual Questions

    1. \frac{\exp(-6+0.05 \times 40 + 1 \times 3.5 )}{1+\exp(-6+0.05 \times 40 + 1 \times 3.5 )} = 0.378

    2. \exp(-6 + 0.05x_1 + 3.5) = \frac{0.5}{1-0.5} \implies x_1 = 50

  1. Denote “Yes” as class 1, and “No” as class 0. Then, we have \mu_1 = 10, \mu_0 = 0, \sigma^2=36. We see: \begin{aligned} \mathbb{P}(Y=1|X=4) &= \frac{\mathbb{P}(Y=1,X=4)}{\mathbb{P}(X=4)} \\ &= \frac{\mathbb{P}(X=4|Y=1)\mathbb{P}(Y=1)}{\mathbb{P}(X=4|Y=1)\mathbb{P}(Y=1)+\mathbb{P}(X=4|Y=0)\mathbb{P}(Y=0)} \\ &= \frac{0.8\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\times 36}} \mathrm{e}^{-(4-10)^2/(2\times 36)}} {\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\times 36}}\left( 0.8\mathrm{e}^{-(4-10)^2/(2\times 36)} + 0.2\mathrm{e}^{-(4-0)^2/(2\times 36)} \right)} \\ &= 0.7518525 \end{aligned}

  2. One-nearest neighbours perfectly fits the training data, so the training error rate will be 0%. Hence, the test error rate is 36%, since the test and training sets are equally sized. Since the logistic model has a lower test error rate of 30%, we prefer this model.

    1. For a decision boundary at 0.5, the majority within each regions will be predicted for that training data. Hence, anything “above the line” will be predicted as y=0, and anything below will be predicted as y=1. This leads to 3 true positives for y=0, 1 false positive for y=0. And similarly for y=1, 3 true positives for y=1, and 1 false positive for y=1. Hence, we have A = 3, B = 1, C = 1, D = 3. Error rate we have \frac{2}{8} = 0.25, error rate |_{y=1} = \frac{1}{4} = 0.25, and error rate |_{y=0} = \frac{1}{4} = 0.25.

    2. To plot the ROC curve, we can change the threshold. You can imagine changing the threshold as moving the decision boundary up and down. As we move this up and down, we would get changing true positive and false positive rates. See the figure below.

Additional Questions

  1. Let \mathbb{P}(Y_i=1 | x_i;\beta_0,\beta_1)=p(x_i,\beta_0,\beta_1). The log likelihood is \begin{aligned} l(\beta_0,\beta_1) &= \sum_{i=1}^N\left( y_i\log p(x_i,\beta_0,\beta_1)+(1-y_i)\log(1-p(x_i,\beta_0,\beta_1))\right) \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^N\left( y_i(\beta_0+\beta_1x_i)-\log(1+\mathrm{e}^{\beta_0+\beta_1x_i}))\right) . \end{aligned} The score function is then derived by differentiating and setting to zero: \frac{\partial l(\beta_0,\beta_1)}{\partial\beta_0}=\sum_{i=1}^N(y_i-p(x_i,\beta_0,\beta_1))=0 \,, \frac{\partial l(\beta_0,\beta_1)}{\partial\beta_1}=\sum_{i=1}^Nx_i(y_i-p(x_i,\beta_0,\beta_1))=0 \,.

  2. From the first of the score functions we have \sum_{i=1}^N(y_i-p(x_i,\beta_0,\beta_1))=0 \,. Hence \sum_{i=1}^N \mathbb{E}(Y_i=1|x_i) = \sum_{i=1}^N p(x_i,\beta_0,\beta_1) = \sum_{i=1}^N y_i \,.

Applied Questions

    1. The volume has increased over time. Everything else seems largely uncorrelated. More details are available p171-172 of the book.

    2. library(ISLR2)
      fit <- glm(Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2 + Lag3 + Lag4 + Lag5 + Volume,
        family = "binomial", data = Weekly
      glm(formula = Direction ~ Lag1 + Lag2 + Lag3 + Lag4 + Lag5 + 
          Volume, family = "binomial", data = Weekly)
                  Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)   
      (Intercept)  0.26686    0.08593   3.106   0.0019 **
      Lag1        -0.04127    0.02641  -1.563   0.1181   
      Lag2         0.05844    0.02686   2.175   0.0296 * 
      Lag3        -0.01606    0.02666  -0.602   0.5469   
      Lag4        -0.02779    0.02646  -1.050   0.2937   
      Lag5        -0.01447    0.02638  -0.549   0.5833   
      Volume      -0.02274    0.03690  -0.616   0.5377   
      Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
      (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
          Null deviance: 1496.2  on 1088  degrees of freedom
      Residual deviance: 1486.4  on 1082  degrees of freedom
      AIC: 1500.4
      Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

      It looks like Lag2 is significant.

    3. fit$y[1] # check how R is encoding "Up" and "Down"
      pred <- rep("Up", length(Weekly$Direction))
      pred[fit$fitted.values < 0.5] <- "Down"
      table(pred, Weekly$Direction)
      pred   Down  Up
        Down   54  48
        Up    430 557

      There is a problem in that it is allocating too many observations to Up in the above confusion matrix when they should be Down (430 on false-positive). The false-negative rate is low but that is because the negative rate in general is too low.

    4. train <- (Weekly$Year <= 2008)
      fit2 <- glm(Direction ~ Lag2, family = "binomial", data = Weekly, subset = train)
      pred.fit2 <- predict(fit2, newdata = Weekly[!train, ], type = "response")
      pred.val <- rep("Down", length(pred.fit2))
      pred.val[pred.fit2 > 0.5] <- "Up"
      table(pred.val, Weekly$Direction[!train])
      pred.val Down Up
          Down    9  5
          Up     34 56
    5. library(class)
      train.knn <- Weekly$Lag2[train]
      test.knn <- as.matrix(Weekly[!train, "Lag2"], ncol = 1)
      train.knn.result <- Weekly[train, "Direction"]
      fit5 <- knn(train.knn, test.knn, train.knn.result)
      table(fit5, Weekly$Direction[!train])
      fit5   Down Up
        Down   21 30
        Up     22 31
    6. It looks like KNN with K = 1 does the best job, since it splits up the number of ups and downs more accurately than the others. However, the proportion of false-positive and false-negatives are still quite high.

    1. myAuto <- Auto
      myAuto["mpg01"] <- rep(0, length(myAuto$mpg))
      myAuto[myAuto$mpg > median(myAuto$mpg), "mpg01"] <- 1
         Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
          0.0     0.0     0.5     0.5     1.0     1.0 
    2. # pairs(myAuto) # doesn't work well since mpg01 is 0 or 1

      Use commands such as boxplot(myAuto$<COLUMN NAME>~myAuto$mpg01) to produce the required plots. Alternatively, you can use the following commands.

      plotData <- myAuto %>%
        keep(is.numeric) %>%
        gather(variable, value, -mpg01)
      ggplot(plotData) +
        geom_boxplot(aes(x = factor(mpg01), y = value)) +
        facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free")

      Cylinders, displacement, horsepower and weight. (mpg, of course)

    3. 1set.seed(1)
      2train.set <- sample(length(myAuto$mpg), length(myAuto$mpg) / 2)
      3train <- (seq(1, length(myAuto$mpg)) %in% train.set)
      Use this seed to get the same results as the solutions
      sample takes a sample of the specified size (length(myAuto$mpg)/2) from the elements of x (length(myAuto$mpg)).
      In train TRUE or FALSE
    4. fit3 <- glm(mpg01 ~ cylinders + origin + displacement + weight,
        family = "binomial",
        data = myAuto, subset = train
      pred.fit3 <- predict(fit3, newdata = myAuto[!train, ], type = "response")
      pred.val3 <- rep(0, length(pred.fit3))
      pred.val3[pred.fit3 > 0.5] <- 1
      table(pred.val3, myAuto$mpg01[!train]) # confusion matrix
      pred.val3  0  1
              0 86  7
              1 16 87
      100 * mean(pred.val3 != myAuto$mpg01[!train]) # test error rate
      [1] 11.73469
      100 * (16 + 7) / (86 + 7 + 16 + 87) # test error rate check
      [1] 11.73469

      The test error in this case is equal to 11.73%.

    5. See part g

    6. The test error rate for logistic regression is 11.73% while the one for KNN with K=1 is 17.86% so logistic regression seems better.

    7. train.knn <- myAuto[train, c("cylinders", "origin", "displacement", "weight")]
      test.knn <- myAuto[!train, c("cylinders", "origin", "displacement", "weight")]
      train.knn.result <- myAuto[train, "mpg01"]
      error.rates <- rep(0, 10)
      for (i in c(1:10)) {
        fit5 <- knn(train.knn, test.knn, train.knn.result, k = i)
        mytable <- table(fit5, myAuto[!train, "mpg01"])
        error.rates[i] <- (mytable[2] + mytable[3]) / sum(mytable) * 100
      t(error.rates) # error rates
               [,1]     [,2]    [,3]     [,4]    [,5]    [,6]    [,7]     [,8]
      [1,] 17.85714 16.83673 12.2449 11.22449 12.2449 12.2449 12.2449 11.73469
              [,9]    [,10]
      [1,] 12.2449 11.73469
      min(error.rates) # min error rate, check corresponding k
      [1] 11.22449