Introduction to Statistical Learning
Some of the figures in this presentation are taken from “An Introduction to Statistical Learning, with applications in R” (Springer, 2013) with permission from the authors: G. James, D. Witten, T. Hastie and R. Tibshirani.
- Statistical learning
- Assessing model accuracy
James et al (2021), Chapters 1 and 2
Data Science Skills
Actuaries use data for good
Do data better with an Actuary
Source: Actuaries Institute
Statistical learning
Statistical Learning / Predictive Analytics
- A vast set of tools for understanding data.
- Other names used to refer to similar tools (sometimes with a slightly different viewpoint) - machine learning, predictive analytics
- Techniques making significant impact to actuarial work especially in the insurance industry
- Historically - started with classical linear regression techniques
- Contemporary extensions included
- better methods to apply regression ideas
- non-linear models
- unsupervised problems
- Facilitated by powerful computation techniques and also accessible software such as R
What is statistical (machine) learning?
What is statistical (machine) learning?
- Predict outcomes of Y given X
- What it means isn’t as important, it just needs accurate predictions
- Models tend to be more complex
- Understand how Y is affected by X
- Which predictors do we add? How are they related?
- Models tend to be simpler
The Two Cultures
Statistical Learning | Machine Learning | |
Origin | Statistics | Computer Science |
f(X) | Model | Algorithm |
Emphasis | Interpretability, precision and uncertainty | Large scale application and prediction accuracy |
Jargon | Parameters, estimation | Weights, learning |
Confidence interval | Uncertainty of parameters | No notion of uncertainty |
Assumptions | Explicit a priori assumption | No prior assumption, we learn from the data |
See Breiman (2001) and Why a Mathematician, Statistician, & Machine Learner Solve the Same Problem Differently
What is statistical (machine) learning?
Recall that in regression, we model an outcome against the factors which might affect it
Y = f(X) + \epsilon
- Y is the outcomes, response, target variable
- X:=(X_1, X_2, \ldots, X_p) are the features, inputs, predictors
- \epsilon captures measurement error and other discrepancies
\Rightarrow Our objective is to find an appropriate f for the problem at hand. Harder than it sounds
- What Xs should we choose?
- Do we want to predict reality (prediction) or explain reality (inference)?
- What’s signal and what’s noise?
How to estimate f?
- Make an assumption about the shape of f
- Problem reduced down to estimating a few parameters
- Works fine with limited data, provided assumption is reasonable
- Assumption strong: tends to miss some signal
- Make no assumption about f’s shape
- Involves estimating a lot of “parameters”
- Need lots of data
- Assumption weak: tends to incorporate some noise
- Be particularly careful re the risk of overfitting
Example: Linear model fit on income
Using Education and Seniority to explain Income:
- Linear model fitted
- Does a pretty decent job of fitting the data, by the looks of it, but doesn’t capture everything
Example: “Perfect” fit on income
- Non-parametric spline fit
- Fits the data perfectly. This is indicative of overfitting
Actuarial Application: Health Insurance model choice
Tradeoff between interpretability and flexibility
- We will cover a number of different methods in this course
- They each have their own (relative) combinations of interpretability and flexibility:
Discussion Question
Suppose you are interested in prediction. Everything else being equal, which types of methods would you prefer?
Supervised vs unsupervised learning
- There is a response (y_i) for each set of predictors (x_{ji})
- e.g. Linear regression, logistic regression
- Can find f to boil predictors down into a response
- No y_i, just sets of x_{ji}
- e.g. Cluster analysis
- Can only find associations between predictors
Cluster analysis is a form of unsupervised learning
- For illustration we have provided the real groups (in different colours)
- In reality the actual grouping is not known in an unsupervised problem
- Hence idea is to identify the clusters.
- The example of the right will be more difficult to cluster properly
Actuarial Application: predict claim fraud and abuse
A note re Regression vs Classification problems
- Y is quantitative, continuous
- Examples: Sales prediction, claim size prediction, stock price modelling
- Y is qualitative, discrete
- Examples: Fraud detection, face recognition, accident occurrence, death
Assessing model accuracy
Assessing model accuracy
- Measuring the quality of fit and examples
- Training MSE
- Test MSE
- Bias-variance trade-off and examples
- Classification setting and example: K-Nearest Neighbors
Assessing Model Accuracy
- There are often a wide range of possible statistical learning methods that can be applied to a problem
- There is no single method that dominates over all others is all data sets
- How do we assess the accuracy?
- Quality of Fit: Mean Squared Error \text{MSE} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i-\hat{f}(x_i))^2
- This should be small if predicted responses are close to true responses.
- Note that if the MSE is computed using the data used to fit the model (which is called the training data) then this is more accurately referred to as the training MSE.
Discussion question
What are some potential problems with using the training MSE to evaluate a model?
Discussion question
Consider the example below. The true model is black, and associated ‘test’ data are identified by circles. Three different fitted models are illustrated in blue, green, and orange. Which would you prefer?
Examples: Assessing model accuracy
The following are the training and test errors for three different problems:
Bias-Variance Tradeoff
The expected test MSE can be written as:
\mathbb{E}\bigl(y_0 - \hat{f}(x_0)\bigr)^2 = \text{Var}(\hat{f}(x_0)) + [\text{Bias}(\hat{f}(x_0))]^2 + \text{Var}(\epsilon)
- \text{Var}(\hat{f}(x_0)): how much \hat{f} would change if a different training set is used
- [\text{Bias}(\hat{f}(x_0))]^2: how much the model is off by
- \text{Var}(\epsilon): irreducible error
There is often a tradeoff between Bias and Variance
Examples: Bias-variance tradeoff
The following are the Bias-Variance tradeoff for three different problems:
- Place data point into a category (Y) based on its predictors (X_i)
- Test Error is the proportion of times the estimate is wrong \text{Ave}\left(I(y_0 \neq \hat{y}_0)\right)
Bayes’ Classifier
- Assigns a prediction x_0 to the class j which maximises \mathbb{P}(Y=j|X=x_0)
- In the case of two classes, this would be the one where \mathbb{P}(Y=j|X=x_0) > 0.5
- Theorectically the optimum, but in reality do not know the conditional probabilities.
- A simple alternative is the K nearest neighbors (KNN) classifier
K-nearest neighbours - illustration
K-nearest neighbours
K-nearest neighbours
- Looks at a new observation’s K-nearest (training) observations
- In other words, it maximises \mathbb{P}(Y=j|X=x_0) = \frac{1}{K}\sum_{i=1} \mathbb{I}(y_i=j)
- New observation’s category is where the majority of its neighbours lie
- High K: less variance but more bias, fit missing signal - too close to a global average
- Low K: less bias but more variance, fit too noisy - assuming less relationship between close-by data points than there is
- Intelligent choice of K is key: too low and you overfit, too high and you miss important information
K-nearest neighbours example, K=10
(purple is the Bayes boundary, black is the KNN boundary with K=10)